Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Yorkers Encouraged to Get Busy with Free Condoms

Health Department Unveils Ad Campaign, New Condom Design

The city wants New Yorkers to "get some" this Valentine's Day. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene unveiled its 2008 safer sex awareness campaign with new posters, banners, and TV ads featuring a colorful and sexy message. The city also unveiled a new look for the wrapper of its free condom.

The slogan is -- wait for it -- "Get Some."

Street teams from the health department will meet commuters around the city Thursday to hand out the new NYC Condom for Valentine's Day, officials said.

Hand-out locations include Times Square, Wall Street and near City Hall.

Yves Behar, founder of the San Francisco-based design agency, fuseproject, designed the new condom package and its dispenser, which will be placed in 200 venues around the city.

"Good design can help bring condoms out of the closet," said Behar. "The brand's friendly design and the dispenser's approachable shape convey openness and acceptance. They say condoms are nothing to be embarrassed about."

The new video ads feature colorful images of city landmarks and are set to hip hop, jazz and Latin beats. They will air in English and Spanish on cable and broadcast TV as well as radio, according to health officials. Display ads are also appearing in more than 1,000 subway cars, as well as on phone kiosks and in check-cashing outlets.

"The NYC Condom has shown us what a sexy brand can do for safer sex," said Dr. Monica Sweeney, the Health Department's assistant commissioner for HIV prevention and control in a statement. "We gave out more than 36 million of them last year. I hope the fresh look will help even more New Yorkers protect themselves from infection and unintended pregnancy in 2008."

The city has distributed more than 36 million condoms since first introducing the NYC Condom on Valentine's Day in 2007. The new wrapper holds the same brand of condom inside, from Lifestyles.

Any New York City establishment -- whether it's a health club, coffee house, bar, barbershop or clothing store -- can order NYC Condoms in bulk by calling 311 or visiting

The Health Department will deliver free NYC Condoms as needed to meet demand. Telephone and online orders are for organizations only. But individual New Yorkers can call 311 or visit for updated information on where to find NYC Condoms. -

Hahahah! This is funny! I guaranty that if I were to start an abstinence program like that the ACLU would be all over me like white on rice. I don't understand what is so wrong with doing it the biblical way. Saving sex for marriage as God wants us to and has expressed in his word. But I do understand that we live in a fallen world, a world that can only be saved by Gods grace. I pray that God reveals his love and grace to you today and I pray more and more that God will open your eyes and my eyes to the truth of his word.

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